Latest News


July 11

APEC set up a center for five-axis technical service which also is a manufacturing collaboration center for Xihang Vocational College in Yanliang, Xi’an, China

APEC set up a center for five-axis technical service which also is a manufacturing collaboration center for Xihang Vocational College in Yanliang, Xi’an, China on 2020 July 11.

Xi'an Yanliang is one of China's aircraft manufacturing bases (Xi'an Yanliang National Aviation High-Tech Industrial Base).

Where APEC will provide services like product trial production, five-axis application consulting, and industry solutions, we also have Industry-University cooperation with local schools in order to improve China’s aviation industry.

APEC has penetrated into the local market in Xi’an, hoping to spread the benefits to the inland of northwest China and expand the Asia market.



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